Aerial image of Capiate taken on 25 September 1944 by an
reconnaissance aircraft
(from National Archives and Records Administration -

Current aerial image of Capiate, from Google Maps
the maps, Capiate is often represented by a simple dot; sometimes it is
not even reported. It is a small village located in the municipal
territory of Olginate, near Lecco, 30 miles north of Milan.
However, in spite of its size, Capiate was very significant and
important because of very
interesting events, especially during
the Ancient Age and Middle Ages. Some prominent people, who
influenced the history of Lombardy, Italy,
and Europe, lived temporarily in
Capiate’s village and determined its growth and development.
Association “Capiate - Radici nel Futuro ONLUS” was established in the
year 2012. Its mission is to protect and develop the historical,
architectural, cultural and environmental heritage of Capiate.
Capiate and its surroundings, several monumental
buildings and lands are under Italian legal obligations and
restrictions named “Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio” (a list
of national Italian laws
about Cultural Properties and Landscape Heritage,
precisely Law no. 42,
January 22nd 2004, referring to the current Urban Plan of the
Municipality of Olginate).
of these monumental buildings and areas are :
(under construction)
The Association was founded
on December 28th 2012, see the public act n. 60701/7464 - notary Manuela
Magaglio - Milan.
The statute was registered
at U.Te. Milano 2 Office, on
March 26th 2013, n. 2865 - series 3
Since March 29th 2013, the Association is
registered at the Italian National List of the No Profit
Organizations (NPO), Protocol Number 0035918.