below you can find the ongoing projects that you can support giving

Giving money is possible only by bank transfer to the following bank
"Associazione Capiate - Radici nel Futuro ONLUS" - IBAN :
IT89 R030 6909 6061 0000 0071 452 (Banca
Intesa SanPaolo S.p.A. - Filiale Accentrata Terzo Settore) - BIC: BCITITMM
: write your name, surname and address (and also the "codice fiscale" if
you are an Italian citizen), followed by the project that you want to
support (for example: "archaeological excavations and historical researches").
For tax purposes of Italian citizens: donations are
tax-deductible up to 10% of taxable income (Article. 14, Law 14/05/2005 n. 80). The Association shall transmit the certification
necessary for the deduction or the tax credit. In order to get such
certification, write to, and provide the data required for it (name,
surname, address, "codice fiscale"/VAT number).