St. Joseph church is a small chapel built in 1874. Its apse partially
overlaps the more ancient St. Nazaro Basilica one. In Capiate this
chapel was the only religious edifice until the ‘70s of the last century
when the new church dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima was built.
master-builder Pietro Amigoni was charged to build the St. Joseph
church. He demolished about half of the apse of the medieval basilica in
order to obtain a location for the altar of the new church. With a
singular architectural solution he could eliminate part of the wall
without damages for the vault placed on the apse.
Through a small window recently opened, ancient frescoes have been
discovered on the remaining part of the apse and the vault placed on it.
St. Joseph church has been acquired as an extended loan. The Association
aims to restore it and provide for its reopening for religious