The Court of Caromano is a place where a medieval settlement with the
same name was settled. In Lombard
period, probably there was a group of local guardians aimed to control
the road to Capiate. Later, during the Franc domination, a Longobard
noble family lived there: one of its members, Attone from Caromano,
became father in law of Alcherio,
owner of the
Castle of Airuno.
Atto’s son became
bishop of
Attone’s son, Saint’Adalbert, bishop of Bergamo, was even more
important than his father. Saint’Adalbert
was so talented to obtain the political control of Bergamo.
Nowadays, the oldest buildings date back to the fourteenth century. The
tower could date back to the fifteenth or sixteenth century; it was
built by the D'Adda family that owned this property from 1376 to 1674.
Currently, the entire property is
divided into many sections. But, given its historical and architectural
importance , how is it possible to improve and develop it? How could
this important historical place be used?
your advices are welcome!!!

View from the south. The portico with Gothic arches
view - the tower